Here at MeOros haTzadikim we have one goal to publicize and spread the teachings – Torahs, history and stories – sippurei tzadikim and maasei nisim – of as many gedolei yisroel, rabbonim, tzadikim and rebbes as possible from as many diverse backgrounds as we can, from the Avos, Imahos and Shevatim, through Tanach as well as Tanaim, Amoraim, Geonim, Rishonim and Acharonim, Litvishe Rosh Yeshivas, Sefardi Mekubalim and Chassidishe Rebbes, they are all here. Can’t find the Rav or Tzadik you were searching for? Please click the Suggest a Tzadik link or contact us.

Welcome to MeOros haTzadikim

What began as a local Monsey, NY parsha sheet has developed into a world wide phenomenon with a network spanning the globe. I was delighted to see a copy when I myself was in Manchester at the local minyan factory, amazed to find that people studied it in Berditchev in Lakewood, NJ, honored that they invited me visit them in Hendon UK, and excited to learn of avid readers in such places as Amsterdam and Los Angeles, California

I have gotten emails from around the world. Now we embark on phase 2, with the launch of our very own website and blog, with the goal to add such diverse media as video and audio, and continue to spread the warmth and light of the fire of the Toras haTzadikim we invite you to join us on the journey.

As we saw just how happy and excited so many readers were, we also listened to your input. You told us you wanted more. . .more accuracy, more diversity, more bios, more stories, more segulos and especially more Toras of the tzadikim. We are doing our very best to go back to the primary sources in Lashon Kodesh, Yiddish and Aramaic. To do our utmost to research the Torahs and tales, stories and sippurim that make up the fabric of the parsha sheet you have loved. We are sticking to the format of Torah, bios based on Yahrzeits and Stories and Segulos and offering you thousands of new and revised entries. Yet off course we are simply human and we acknowledge that we do err and make mistakes. Please, please continue to point out errors and mistakes and to offer suggestions and constructive criticism. It is always read, reviewed and taken into consideration. Finally thanks to all our readers and to all our sponsors we could never do it without your help! To help sponsor please contact us or consider making a donation online via PayPal or the ChessedFund here.

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